Echocardiography is a diagnostic method that uses ultrasound waves to create an image of the heartmuscle. It is a tool which can be used in early detection of heart deformities like in size, shape, and movement of the heart's valves and chambers as well as the flow of blood through the heart.
Echocardiography plays an important role in paediatrics, diagnosing patients with valvular heart disease and other congenital abnormalities. An emerging branch is foetal echocardiography, which involves echocardiography of an unborn foetus.
Cardiac CT
Cardiac Computed Tomography is a Scanning method which uses many X-Rays from the different angles to construct image of heart using computed scanner.
With the help of this technique cardiologist get high resolution scan of the heart in a certain time with 3-dimensional heart structure, valves, arteries, aorta and more.
It is used to evaluate cause of chest pain, to check heart arteries for artherosclerosis clot, to assess the heart valves, etc.
Cardiac MRI:
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a method of Scanning of your heart in which radio waves and magnets create images without anything you can see or feel going into your body. By this method, one can see the parts of your heart including chambers, valves and muscles with their working conditions. This method is also provides the motion of blood inside the heart.
The development of cardiac MRI is an active field of research and continues to see a rapid expansion of new and emerging techniques.
Title : Surgical fetal stem cells implantation in heart failure patients long term results at 14 years
Federico Benetti, Benetti Foundation, Argentina
Title : Exploring new biomarkers of cardiomyopathy
Shuping Zhong, University of Southern California, United States
Title : The development of human relaxin-2 for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, HFpEF
Thomas Bernd Dschietzig, Relaxera GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
Title : Cancer and cardiovascular diseases: Common pathogenesis mechanisms and risk factors
Mekhman N Mamedov, National Research Center for Preventive Medicine, Russian Federation
Title : Pulse field ablation for atrial fibrillation complications: What do we know yet
Narendra Kumar, HeartbeatsZ Academy, United Kingdom
Title : Lipoprotein (a): The hidden cardiovascular risk
Syed Raza, Awali Hospital, Bahrain