Title: The Importance of Nutrition of Children with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)
Title: Vascular (Arterial and Venous) surgery for erectile dysfunctionVascular (Arterial and Venous) surgery for erectile dysfunction
Title: Measuring the responsiveness of the SF-36 in the Cardiac Rehabilitation literature: Combined results of a Comparative Effectiveness Review and Meta-analysis.
Title: Assessment of Diastolic Function in Children: The dilemma and potential solution
Title: Insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease: a future perspective
Title: Conotruncal defects: congenital heart disease with the highest mortality rate in the neonatal period
Title: Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) due to ischemic heart disease (IHD) associated with natural disasters: a worldwide population-based ecological study
Title: The effect of Anonymous group psychotherapy via teleconference as a treatment of cardiological and respiratory health problems in clinical and community nursing personnel who experience anxiety and are victims of workplace harassment
Title: Type D Personality as a Predictor of COVID-19-related Dysfunctional Anxiety and Psychological Trauma
Title: The Importance of Gender and Race in Chest Pain: A Case Presentation
Title: Luxatio Cordis, A heart transplant complication
Title: Analytics for Intelligent Healthcare systems
Title: Tri-faceted myocardial infarction management and variable response to cardiac resynchronization therapy: a gain to the naive heart
Title: Immune- Check Point inhibitors: Acute Cardio-Oncology Challenges and Concerns
Title: Dr Hasan Jamjoom graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Birmingham (UK) in 2016. He initially worked as a junior doctor in the City of Birmingham for 2 years, and subsequently moved to London to complete his Core medical training years. He is currently working as a teaching fellow at the London North West Hospital trust and is completing an online post graduate diploma in Epidemiology with the University of Aberdeen.
Title: Hemodynamics in the Human Microcirculation
Title: Predictors of renal artery stenosis in patients referred for coronary angiography
Title: Effectiveness of Mobile Health Augmented Cardiac Rehabilitation (MCard) on Health-Related Quality Of Life among Post-Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Title: New directions of donor heart preservation
Title: Movable-weaning off an electrocardiographic phenomenon in hypocalcemia
Title: Optimizing right ventricular function before LVAD implantation
Title: Viable myocardium: Clinical sufficiency and prognostic implication
Title: Chagas cardiomyopathy - what every cardiologist needs to know
Title: Enhanced external counterpulsation treatment in patients with refractory angina pectoris
Title: A stepwise approach to fetal echocardiograpghy