Title : The cardiovascular hospitalist, a paradigm shift: Impact of specialty hospitalists on clinical, financial, and operational care delivery in a large us health care institution (Intermountain Health)
Intermountain Health is a large integrated healthcare institution in the western United States that prioritizes value-based care, even at times when it appears contrary to regional and national payment models. Because of this focus, Intermountain Health has been at the forefront of value-based care in the United States. This has led to innovative care process models that are designed to deliver on the value equation for the betterment of the communities it serves. Health care delivery in the United States has been criticized over the past few decades for not delivering on the value equation to the people it serves. This equation is typically defined in terms as quality, access, and experience divided by the overall cost. Cardiovascular care is certainly an area where value can be gained or lost quickly due to the complexity of its ecosystem. As part of a value-based initiative at Intermountain Health, cardiovascular hospitalists were introduced into our largest Cardiac Hospitals with intent to deliver on value by optimizing clinical and operational outcomes at a reduced cost. This was a paradigm shift for inpatient management of cardiac patients, in contrast to the traditional care models of cardiologists or general hospitalists caring for these patients. We compared key clinical, operational, and financial metrics between cardiac hospitalists and traditional care models from top decile performing hospitals in the United States as reported by the Vizient database.
Audience Take Away
- Understand the Value equation in healthcare
- Contemplate the relationship between operational, financial, and clinical lanes and their impact on the value equation
- Reported outcomes of a value-based initiative of Cardiac Hospitalists in a large US healthcare system