Title : Graded phenomenon (Yasser's phenomenon): A novel electrocardiographic phenomenon change the arrhythmia directory; retrospective-observational study; research article in cardiology
Background: Arrhythmias are one of the most serious disorders in cardiovascular and clinical medicine. Understanding the pathogenesis and mechanisms of arrhythmias is very advantageous to the appropriate management and treatment of all arrhythmia types. The “Graded phenomenon” is a novel directory phenomenon for understanding arrhythmia. The principle of the “Graded phenomenon” is based on catching the graded changes in serial ECG tracings or even a single one regarding the arrhythmias.
Method of study and patients: My case study was an observational retrospective for a 30-case report series. The study was conducted in both Fraskour Central Hospital (Intensive Care Unit, and emergency room) and Physician Outpatient Clinic. The author reported the 30 cases thorough nearly 4 years, starting from Jan 13, 2016, and, ending on February 9, 2020.
Results: The age mean is 58.3 years with male sex predominance (56.67%). The changes in graded phenomenon are classified into Up-grading; 20%, down-graded; 10%, changed to NSR; 43.33%, changed to AF; 3.33%, changed to sinus tachycardia; 3.33%, therapeutic reversal; 3.33%, fixed –change; 10%, and variable change; 6.67%. The risk in the graded phenomenon is either high (40%), non-risk (43.33%), or still-risk (16.67%). The course in the graded phenomenon is either progressive(43.33%), regressive; 10%, intermittent; 6.67%, constant; 16.67%, transient; 20%, and non-fixed variation; 3.33%.
Conclusions: Graded phenomenon (Yasser's phenomenon) is a novel electrocardiographic phenomenon that changes the arrhythmia directory. It is a crucial step for understanding arrhythmia. The phenomenon is a new strong guide for monitoring and following up arrhythmic patients in cardiovascular patients.
Keywords: Graded phenomenon, Yasser's phenomenon, A novel Electrocardiographic Phenomenon Change the arrhythmia directory
Audience Take Away:
- Graded phenomenon (Yasser's phenomenon) is a novel electrocardiographic phenomenon that changes the arrhythmia directory.
- It is a crucial step for understanding arrhythmia.
- The phenomenon is a new strong guide for monitoring and following up arrhythmic patients in cardiovascular patients.
- Widening this research to expand their research or teaching is advisable.