Dr. Yasser Mohammed Hassanain Elsayed; A scientist, critical care physician, cardiologist, and independent researcher at Egyptian Ministry of Health. Publicized articles; (140). Innovations (14); (3) "Signs", (4) "Phenomena", (1) "Modification", (1) "Maneuver", (1) “Method”, (1) “Test”, (2) “Syndrome”, and (1) Yasser’s Fibrillation. Speaker (International conferences); (27). Reviewer; (258) articles for (87) Journals. Honorable editor; (272) Journals. International Conferences OCM; (10). Instructor; (10) official and (100) non-official. COVID-19 publicized articles; (46). Prizes nomination; Breakthrough Prize, Einstein Prize, Abdul Hameed Showman Award for Arab Researchers, and ESICM Awards. Excellence certificate (more than 134).
Title : Sinusoidal atrial fibrillation (Yasser’s Fibrillation) and partial SAN function in COVID-19 pneumonia; A new cardiovascular discovery change in atrial fibrillation directory-case series
Title : Graded phenomenon (Yasser's phenomenon): A novel electrocardiographic phenomenon change the arrhythmia directory; retrospective-observational study; research article in cardiology
Title : Oxygen reversal of coronary artery spasm with modification of international standards for the diagnostic criteria of coronary vasomotor disorders (Yasser's modification or oxygen test) retrospective observational study; 17-case reports