Title : Obesity and thrombotic conditions in patients with cerebrovascular diseases
Obesity, smoking, and prothrombotic conditions are well-known risk factors for CVD. However, many issues of their influence on a health and ways of their modification remain unresolved. The study has compared 39 patients (smokers and non-smokers) with chronic CVD (group 1) to 43 non-smokers volunteers with no CVD (group 2). All participants were of the same age (58-68 years old) and did not differ significantly in BMI.
Patients with CVD had a larger area of visceral fat: 163,4 ± 63,5 cm2 vs. 136,34 ± 53,4 cm2 in group 2 (p = 0.039), higher fibrinogen (4.0 ± 0.5 g/L vs. 3.6 ± 0.6 g/L; ? = 0.016), increased vWF (133.3 ± 61.0% vs. 110.2 ± 38.8%; ? = 0.0421), FVIII (133 (100–159)% vs. 94 (80–123)%; ? = 0.001) and compensating protein S (119 (94–128)% vs. 97 (86–120)%; ? = 0.031) together with moderately reduced AT III (77 (69–92)% vs. 100 (92–105)%; ? < 0.001) and t-PA (1.9 (1.4–2.7) ng/mL vs. 3.5 (2.3–3.8) ng/mL; ? < 0.001). These differences were more pronounced in smokers. Visceral fat area correlated with fibrinogen (r = 0.830), vWF (r = 0.250), FVIII (r = 0.321), ADP-induced platelet aggregation (r = 0.780), protein S (r = 0.532), t-PA (r = –0.370) and t-PA/PAI-1 (r = –0.299).
Therefore, such a clearly visible fact as abdominal obesity, which can be confirmed by measurements of waist circumference, as well as the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference, is able to indicate undetected CVD determining the direction of primary diagnostic search. In turn, the redistribution of fat mass affects hemocoagulation toward an enhancement of prothrombotic conditions.